
Some Rise By Sin, Some By Virtue Fall. ~ William Shakespeare ~

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Facebook Friends is world famous social networking site.  Millions of people log in to facebook site every day.  Best place to exchange ideas, make friends, tell your story to the world.  

Become my friend at  Click Here

Though it is called 'facebook' , I find that most of its users do not display their real face (pictures) in profile page.  They use ridiculous avatars instead.  Some use a dog's photo, a monkey or a celebrity's photo.  I think this is dishonesty.  If  you dare not show your photo to the world and thereby authenticate your facebook account, then how should you expect making friendships with people from around the world ?  You are not bold enough.  Such people do not deserve  friendship.   With  those false names, photos or even location, what use following a facebooker except for time pass (waste)?    Such  false facebook users only reduce the value of the site and  beat the objective with which this  great world wide social networking site was started.  I call them 'faceless' facebookers.  Just an example:  a boy may  easily register with using a girl's name and photo.  People who are following this person are being cheated forever since they think they're following a girl but, in fact, its a boy !  I suspect  95% of  facebook users has such false accounts.   The world is now full of  dishonest, criminal people.   I call upon facebook authorities to think about this seriously.  Ask the users to authenticate their accounts just like they do at 

One reason, I think, people do not want to show their real face ( in the name of privacy ) might be this:  in this modern age,  people have become much naughtier with lowest moral  level.  They will say and do anything behind the curtain and under false identity but not publicly, for they know what they say or do might not be socially and legally acceptable.  Thats why they open their facebook accounts with false information. Behind the veil of a dog's or a monkey's or a celebrity's photo, they find it safe to do those immoral things and utter  objectionable words.   I have seen someone using a x-rated photo for his profile page.  Promptly I had to 'unfriend' him to save myself !   Using a false identity, people are  also taking  opportunity to use this site to criticize or defame other people .  If such things ever occur to you, you cannot catch 'em.  Because they're monkeys !   Modern education system has made 'em monkeys ~ clever, smart, deceitful. 

Remember,  nowadays they do not teach honesty and morality in schools anymore.

However, I have some good friends at  Here are just a few of  them...

An Update !  ( 10-Sep-2012 )
According to a recent news report, the Facebook authorities have, at last, awaken to this problem as cited above and they have reportedly decided to remove such fake Facebook accounts.   Interestingly,  points mentioned in our article above such as fake 'image', 'generic names' etc. have been taken into consideration in determining fake accounts. This shows our worries about false identities used by Facebook account holders are based on real facts.  


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